European Design-EUROPIA 2020
Zwycięska praca Ucznia z Austrii
Austria Belgium Bulgaria Lithuania Poland Portugal Slovenia in cooperation with Bosnia&Herzegowina (association Art&Development)
"European DESIGN - EUROPIA 2020"
Visions for our new European capital - what is necessary for our European capital? Which buildings do we need, how do the surrounding areas look like? What about mobility in our city, what about different cultures? Objects on the themes of innovation, creativity, respect of democratic values European identity and European history.
Logo is a graphic identification of an organisation or a company. Generally it‘s presented as a graphic association between a symbol (brand) and the company name. This symbol (brand) can be developed in many ways (place, name, product, text, abstract...) and we can also add colours. The brand can also be merged with the letters that compose the name of the company. There must be a balance in sizes between the name and the symbol.
Create a logo and brand.
Students from the …. grade of the schools in the project.
a) Logo with about a 15 x 15 cm area in an A4 sheet, displayed horizontally;
b) The presentation must, necessarily, include the words “EUROPIA 2020”;
c) Name, school, country in the back part of the sheet.
Works must be handed to the teacher responsible for the student’s ART class, until the end of FEBRUARY.
Teachers in the project team.
a) Creativity/originality;
b) Theme adequacy;
c) Readability;
e) Versatility.
Works will be evaluated in the project meeting in Warsaw (18th-24th march 2018).
The winning student will be offered the possibility of participating in one of the project meetings.
The jury can decide honorable mentions.
Works will be exhibited in the project final meeting. (Salzburg-Austria, 2020)
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